Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fried Eggs for April Fools

Every year I like to play a food April Fool joke on my son.  This year, I had a difficult time deciding what April Fools food joke to play.  So I called my best friend in New Jersey and consulted her.  My little guy calls her "Aunt Silly" because she to loves to joke around and and have fun too.  (You can check out her foodie blog here.) "Aunt Silly" and I immediately began to reminisce last years joke and the tantrum tears that the "meatloaf cupcakes" brought can read that blog here. 

                                       So we both agreed, NO TEARS THIS YEAR!!

                                                           Photo courtesy of Babble.

Shortly after we spoke, she sent me an email linking to the Babble's Family Kitchen website...I immediately knew it was going to be something very creative and fun.  I was right, Faux Fried Eggs.  My  biggest concern was how I was going to get him to try them since he doesn't like fried eggs but loves yogurt.  So I told him "Aunt Silly" sent the recipe to me just for him (so glad I did not have to tell a mommy lie)...well that is all I had to say, he blew on the eggs and took a bite and just as I suspected he loved it and there were no tears!!

I hope this April Fools joke will bring as much fun to your family as it did to mine.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mommy Cards = New Friends

One of the hardest things about moving to another state is meeting new people.  My “Little Guy” and I love to have parties and play dates.  So with that being said, we need to know a lot of people.

Over the past few months, I have found myself talking to many moms and wished I had a graceful yet simple way to give them our phone number.  (Without looking for a pen and paper, while keeping an eye on the kids or feeling like your in a bar making a pass and picking someone up…lol)

My Little Guy is in first grade has also asked how he can give his phone number to his friends so their mom can call me and plan a play date.   

So being a business oriented woman, I brain stormed and decide the best way to network is with a “mommy card”.  So after many hours of deciding what I wanted the “mommy card” to look like this is what I created…

So I am sure you are wondering the cost of these cute “mommy cards” well…I had left over solid white business cards from Staples (my favorite store) when I was a business owner and made the cards using Word.  The pictures were copied and pasted from a Google image search of “mom stick figure” and “boy stick figure”. I downloaded the Avery business template from here for free.  I love FREE!!

I hope you find these cards as cute as I do and here's to hoping many new friends will be made from the "mommy card".