Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Honey-Cinnamon Banana Cupcakes

"Milk, Bread and Bananas"

My little guy is a huge Curious George fan and LOVES bananas! With that being said, bananas are a staple food in our house.  It seems like every time I go to the store... I buy milk, bread and bananas.  And every time I make banana cupcakes, I create a new fabulous recipe. 

This recipe is by far... one of my neighbors (aka dog walker, cupcake taster and friend) and my favorites!  Banana cupcakes filled with banana cream and topped with honey-cinnamon frosting and walnuts...DELICIOUS!!

Who wants to create some "Sweetened Memories" with these cupcakes served at a Curious George Birthday Party?!  I know I do...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nana's Carrot Cupcake

"Nana Inspired Carrot Cupcakes"

Every holiday, I get very home (Jersey) sick and nothing makes me feel better... then baking one of my family's sweet recipes. This past Easter, I decided (for the first time ever) to go against family tradition and NOT make a carrot bunt cake. Instead, I made carrot cupcakes filled and topped with cream cheese frosting. Ahhh...Just the smell of these carrot cupcakes baking reminded me of my Easter childhood "Sweetened Memories". 

Sweet Teacher Cupcake

"To: My Sweet Teacher 
You take the cake!"

My little guy gets very excited every year planning teacher appreciation gifts.  This year he decided that his teacher and other Northwest Arkansas teachers would love a JUMBO chocolate cupcake filled with hot fudge topped with vanilla frosting, walnuts, rainbow sprinkles, more hot fudge and a cherry on top! 

I think he was right...his kindergarten teacher loved it!  Compliments to my little guy for helping me create "Sweetened Memories" for teachers on their special day.  

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Meatloaf Cupcake

"April Fools"

I grew up in a family full of laughter and pranks. So in hopes to carry on the family tradition, I decided to play an April Fools joke on my 5 year old little guy.

I told him before school that we were having cupcakes for dinner. He was so excited!  When he got off the bus later that afternoon, the first thing he said "Mommy, what kind of cupcakes are we having for dinner?"  I giggled and told him that I would tell him when we go home.

Well, needless to say, his first reaction was NOT full of laughter when he saw a meatloaf cupcake with mashed potatoes sprinkled with peas on his dinner plate.  But after his meltdown, we both laughed and he thought it was a REALLY cool idea!!

I know... it was mean but looking back... it is one of our favorite cupcake "Sweetened Memories".